1 God’s Story - Our Story  [Click to download]
Matthew 5:13-20
If you know Jesus.  If you know what it means to love God and have given your life over to him you have all that you need to know to tell someone else.  All we need to do is become confident in this truth.  This series sets out to give you the tools to become more confident in what you know from your relationship with God and your daily walk with him.
2. Our place – our mission field  [Click to download]
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
At its core, evangelism is the gentle calling out of our friends' names in the hope that they might hear us. It seeks to share the love of God, as it was fully revealed in the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, with others through word and deed, so that they might experience God's love, forgiveness and acceptance. It is to tenderly call out to friends and strangers who are wandering lost -- who need to hear that God loves them and cares for them.
3. Talking our story in a non Christian world   [Click to download]
2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5
Seven Evangelistic Values in a Secular World and three Strategies for Reaching Secular People.
4. A Positive Approach to Evangelism  [Click to download]
Ezekiel 33:1-6
P.I.P.A = Pray – Identify – Play – Arrange
A strategy for reaching those who do not yet know Jesus
5. Questioning Evangelism   [Click to download]
5 questions that will help in any conversation by provoking our friends to think about what they say.
6. Just one of Many Methods  [Click to download]
2 Samuel 14:14
Variety is the gift of God and it shouldn't surprise us that he uses a variety of ways to bring us to himself.  God knows that we easily resist him because we like to manage our own lives. However God does not appeal to us in one way but many. And we are going to briefly look at 7 ways he does this