based on the book by
Craig Groeschel. WEIRD: Because Normal Isn't Working, Copyright © 2011. Zondervan Press.
2. Weird because Normal Isn't Working - Relationships and Values [click here] 31 May 2015
Over two sermons I want us to consider our overcommitted, frazzled, debt-ridden, divorce-prone lives that says, "Normal isn't working." We shall look at four critical areas of our daily lives: our time, money (Sermon 1), relationships and values (Sermon 2).
1. Weird because Normal Isn't Working - Time and Money [click here] 17 May 2015
Over two sermons I want us to consider our overcommitted, frazzled, debt-ridden, divorce-prone lives that says, "Normal isn't working." We shall look at four critical areas of our daily lives: our time, money (Sermon 1), relationships and values (Sermon 2).
2. Weird because Normal Isn't Working - Relationships and Values [click here] 31 May 2015
Over two sermons I want us to consider our overcommitted, frazzled, debt-ridden, divorce-prone lives that says, "Normal isn't working." We shall look at four critical areas of our daily lives: our time, money (Sermon 1), relationships and values (Sermon 2).
1. Weird because Normal Isn't Working - Time and Money [click here] 17 May 2015
Over two sermons I want us to consider our overcommitted, frazzled, debt-ridden, divorce-prone lives that says, "Normal isn't working." We shall look at four critical areas of our daily lives: our time, money (Sermon 1), relationships and values (Sermon 2).