“Improving Your Serve – Christ’s call to unselfish living”,

2015 Sermon Series based on this book by Charles R Swindoll

13 The Rewards of Serving [click here] 10 May 2015

To end the series we shall consider a positive note. Serving definitely has rewards, and they are numerous and far outweigh the consequences. When we think about them, they motivate us to keep going.

12 The Consequences of Serving
[click here] 3 May 2015
You will give, forgive, forget, obey God to the maximum, and wash dirty feet with an attitude of gentleness and humility and then get ripped off. We do need to enter into this ministry of servanthood with our eyes open. If we serve others long enough we will suffer wrong treatment for doing right things. Knowing this will help 'improve our serve’.

11 The Obedience of a Servant
[click here] 19 April 2015
For Jesus this is bottom line; 'I left you an example of what you should do – carry out my directions, fulfil my commands, follow my instructions.’ That’s obedience – doing what we are told to do. He washed dirty feet and then he said, ‘You do that too.’ We are to serve others. However we must understand that the right attitude must accompany the right actions

10 The hazards of a servant
[click here] 12 April 2015

To be a servant is not always going to be easy. Servants, no matter how useful, godly, unselfish, and admirable, are human. Like everyone else they struggle with everyday problems and are vulnerable to the subtle dangers that can easily trip them up.

 To illustrate we are going to look at a little known Old Testament character that became the helper of the prophet Elisha. The servant's name was Gehazi. We find his story in 2 Kings

09 The influence of a servant [click here] 5 April - Easter Day
as servants of Jesus we are both salt and light, our influence is essential for society survival

08 Portrait of a servant Part Two
[click here] 29 March 2015
the continutation of Jesus word-portrait of a servant in what we know as the beatitudes – or beautiful attitudes

07 Portrait of a servant Part One  
[click here] 15 March 2015
Jesus’ begins a word-portrait of a servant in what we know as the beatitudes – or beautiful attitudes and we are to look at these over the next two sermons in this series
06 Thinking like a Servant things [click here] 8 March 2015
Living differently begins with thinking differently. A life that is given to serving others begins in a mind that is convinced of such a life. That is why when Paul speaks of Jesus as a servant he begins with: ‘Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus...’ (Phil. 2:5, KJV).

05 The Servant as Forgetter
[click to download] 1 March 2015

Instead of listing good deeds, a servant will be happy for them to be unnoticed. So when we talk about 'forgetting’ we understand it to mean:

Refusing to keep score (1 Corinthians 13:5).

Being bigger than any offence (Psalm 119:165).

Harbouring no judgmental attitude (Matthew 7:1-5).

04 The Servant as Forgiver
[click to download] 15 February 2015
The Servant As a Forgiver ... Instead of holding grudges, they will be anxious to forgive.  Forgiveness is not optional. It is a required course for the Christian and the exams are tough.  

03 The Servant as Giver
[Click to download] 8 February 2015
a servant as giver ... one who quickly, willingly, and generously gives for the benefit and growth of others. 

02 A Case for Unselfishness [Click to download] 1 February 2015
In simplest terms he told us to serve and to give. He built a case for unselfish living. We cannot be satisfied with just ‘three dollars worth of God’. No, not for authentic servants

01 Who, Me a Servant?
[Click to download] 25 January 2015
God is committed to one major objective: shape our lives along the same lines as the life of his Son – to make us like Jesus.